8.11 Pointer type conversions
- Does 11.4 apply to any pointer or just object pointers? (2 Replies)
- Strict aliasing rule (0 Replies)
- Rule 11.6. A cast between pointer to void and an arithmetic type. Value of the rule. (2 Replies)
- 11.3: How many 'levels' deep? (6 Replies)
- Rule 11.9: Does this struct initialization violate rule 11.9? (2 Replies)
- Rule 11.9: Does array initialization to 0 violate Rule 11.9? (1 Reply)
- Rule 11.3 pointer to array of const element (1 Reply)
- "null pointer constant"? (2 Replies)
- Rule 11.8: non-compatible pointees (1 Reply)
- Does Rule 11.9 allow indirect expansion from NULL? (3 Replies)
- 11.3 - char * to uint8_t * (5 Replies)
- Unclear why this code is not compliant with rule 11.3 (2 Replies)
- Does constness count as a type difference in rule 11.2? (2 Replies)
- Rule 11.1, 11.2 (and others?) vs conversion caused by equality operators (and similar)? (1 Reply)
- Example at 11.1 and 11.2 (1 Reply)
- Rule 11.9 : Global initialization of pointers (1 Reply)
- Rule 11.3 - Unclear Example 3 (1 Reply)
- Typecasting from signed to unsigned and vis-verse (1 Reply)
- 11.5: Conversion from point to void (3 Replies)
- Initialization of the form { 0 } in relation to Rule 11.9 (1 Reply)
- Rule 11.3 (1 Reply)
- Scope of Rule #11.2 (2 Replies)
- Rationale for 11.9 -- NULL constant (1 Reply)