Sub Forums:
- Announcements
- MISRA C:2012 and MISRA C:2023 guidelines
- 7.1 The implementation
- 7.2 Compilation and build
- 7.3 Requirements traceability
- 7.4 Code design
- 7.5 Concurrency considerations
- 8.1 A standard C environment
- 8.2 Unused code
- 8.4 Character sets and lexical conventions
- 8.5 Identifers
- 8.6 Types
- 8.7 Literals and constants
- 8.8 Declarations and defnitions
- 8.9 Initialization
- 8.10 The essential type model
- 8.11 Pointer type conversions
- 8.12 Expressions
- 8.13 Side effects
- 8.14 Control statement expressions
- 8.15 Control flow
- 8.16 Switch statements
- 8.17 Functions
- 8.18 Pointers and arrays
- 8.19 Overlapping storage
- 8.20 Preprocessing directives
- 8.21 Standard libraries
- 8.22 Resources
- 8.23 Generic selections
- MISRA C:2004 to MISRA C:2012 migration
- MISRA-C: 2004 rules
- 6.1 Environment
- 6.2 Language Extensions
- 6.3 Documentation
- 6.4 Character Sets
- 6.5 Identifiers
- 6.6 Types
- 6.7 Constants
- 6.8 Declarations and Definitions
- 6.9 Initialisation
- 6.10 Arithmetic Type Conversions
- 6.11 Pointer Type Conversions
- 6.12 Expressions
- 6.13 Control Statement Expressions
- 6.14 Control Flow
- 6.15 Switch Statements
- 6.16 Functions
- 6.17 Pointers and Arrays
- 6.18 Structures and Unions
- 6.19 Preprocessing Directives
- 6.20 Standard Libraries
- 6.21 Run-time Failures
- MISRA-C:1998 to MISRA-C:2004 migration
- MISRA-C:2004 Exemplar Suite
- General Questions