6.17 Pointers and Arrays
- MISRA2004 Rule 17.4 How to solve the Rule violation (3 Replies)
- About 17.4 Question? (2 Replies)
- Rule 17.4 - can I reference to an array, inside a struct? (6 Replies)
- Rule 17.4 - array elements contained inside structure def (1 Reply)
- MISRA rule 17.4 violation ? (1 Reply)
- Would strlen() be possible with Rule 17.4? (2 Replies)
- Rule 17.1 compatibility (2 Replies)
- Function returning pointer to array - Rule 17.4 (5 Replies)
- Rule 17.4 (2 Replies)
- Clarification of Rule 17.4 (13 Replies)
- Arithmetic on Pointers are MISRA compliant ? (1 Reply)
- Dynamic memory allocation using malloc()/calloc() (2 Replies)