01-08-2017, 09:52 AM
MISRA C:2012 Technical Corrigendum 1 - Technical clarification of MISRA C:2012
Since the publication of MISRA C:2012 and its adoption by industry and the wider C community, a number of issues have arisen, both from discussions within the MISRA C Working Group and in response to feedback via the MISRA C Forum on this bulletin board.
This document provides clarification on these issues, and should be read in conjunction with the original MISRA C:2012 document.
Since the publication of MISRA C:2012 and its adoption by industry and the wider C community, a number of issues have arisen, both from discussions within the MISRA C Working Group and in response to feedback via the MISRA C Forum on this bulletin board.
This document provides clarification on these issues, and should be read in conjunction with the original MISRA C:2012 document.