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Full Version: model information blocks in virtual subsystems (rule 022)
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MISRA AC SLSF 022 states that a model information block is required for every subsystem. Does application of this rule include virtual subsystems, or only "true" (i.e., atomic or nonvirtual) subsystems?
Stated differently: Virtual subsystems should share the identity and origin of the parent model, atomic subsystem, or library to which they belong (the rationale for rule 022), so do they need that information reiterated in their own model information block?
I would appreciate knowing what the community consensus is on this topic.
Hello Ben,

Sub-rule MISRA AC SLSF 022 A is intended to apply to all subsystems, including virtual subsystems.

The motivation for this is to ensure that the information is visible in imprints of a subsystem (e.g. images in a report) and it supports the identification of potentially different authors or maintainers across a model.

Note that the priority of the sub-rule is Advisory and that edition 2 of the document (MISRA AC SLSF:2023) identifies a mechanism for recording justified deviations from rules.