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Full Version: C++17 [[fallthrough]]; attribute and (Rule 6-4-3 and Rule 6-4-5)
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Given the response from:  Rule 6-2-3 and C++17 [[fallthrough]]; attribute (misra.org.uk)
Should Rule 6-4-3(A switch statement shall be a well-formed switch statement) and Rule 6-4-5(An unconditional throw or break statement shall terminate every non-empty switch-clause) also have an exception for the [[fallthrough]]; attribute when used in an empty switch case?
As with your previous question, MISRA C++ 2008 only applies to C++::2003 - [[fallthrough]] is a later feature, so MISRA C++ 2008 is not going to say anything about it. To use MISRA C++ 2008 on C++::2017 code, you are going to need a deviation.

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