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Full Version: Rule 7.0.2: Unclear/questionable rationale
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Rule 7.0.2 bans any type of conversion to bool (implicit or explicit) anywhere in the code (with some exceptions). The rationale says:

"However, this interpretation may not be appropriateĀ for APIs, such as POSIX, that do not use Boolean return values."

This sounds strange, why should modern C++17 code (that may not use C-style POSIX functions at all) be limited by this?

Could you show an example code that highlights how this is a problem and leads to unexpected behavior? For example, how is this code unsafe/can lead to unexpected results?

bool b1 = static_cast< bool >( 4 );  // Non-compliant

Conversion from fundamental types to bool is well-defined behavior as per [conv.bool]:

"A prvalue of arithmetic, unscoped enumeration, pointer, or pointer to member type can be converted to a prvalue of type bool. A zero value, null pointer value, or null member pointer value is converted to false; any other value is converted to true."

The issue is with functions like strcmp, where an implicit conversion to bool may not give the answer expected (0 being equality)

Also in a case like if (a = b) .... (though this is also non-compliant with another rule)