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Full Version: Example for Rule 12–1–1
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I'm not sure if the example for this rule is correct in one case. Simplified code:

class B2
virtual ~B2 ( );
B2 ( )
typeid ( B2 ); // Non-compliant

Why is this typeid non compliant? It does not use object’s dynamic type so it should not be a violation of the rule. This is similar to using typeid on e.g. not polymorphic type, which is allowed by the rule. ISO/IEC 14882:2003(E) standard:

3. When typeid is applied to an expression other than an lvalue of a polymorphic class type, the result
refers to a type_info object representing the static type of the expression. [...]
4. When typeid is applied to a type-id, the result refers to a type_info object representing the type of the
type-id. [...]
The example is incorrect. It should be “typeid(*this)” and will be modified in a Technical Corrigendum