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A8-4-5: Should have an exception for move constructors - Printable Version

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A8-4-5: Should have an exception for move constructors - cgpzs - 05-02-2025

Our static analyzer is complaining about our move constructor because we are not moving the entire "oth" input. Instead, we are doing member-wise move, in compliance with A12-8-1:

class B
  B(B&& oth) : ptr(std::move(oth.ptr)) // Compliant
     oth.ptr = nullptr;

Do you agree that A8-4-5 should explicitly clarify that the rule does not apply to move constructors?

RE: A8-4-5: Should have an exception for move constructors - misra cpp - 14-02-2025

Its a bit difficult to answer your question as B doesn't have any members. We assume it has a member 'sometype *ptr;' but does it have any other members?

If 'ptr' is the only member, then we'd say that the example is compliant with both A8-4-5 and A12-8-1.

RE: A8-4-5: Should have an exception for move constructors - cgpzs - 17-02-2025

Yes, in the example I took from AUTOSAR, B has only one member of type "std::int32_t* ptr;".

Let's assume it has 2 such members, ptr1 and ptr2, would this be compliant with A8-4-5?

class B
  B(B&& oth) :
     oth.ptr1 = nullptr;
     oth.ptr2 = nullptr;
   std::int32_t* ptr1;
   std::int32_t* ptr2;

RE: A8-4-5: Should have an exception for move constructors - misra cpp - 21-02-2025

Short answer - yes, it would be compliant