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Full Version: Rule 8.11(req) - Clarification required
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Dear Misra

I seek clarification on the particular meaning of this rule. From the rule statment I take it that everything declared at file scope and only used internally should have the static storage class specifier applied.

For example the following would be a violation, ignoring the violation of rule 8.7.
int32_t var=0; /*VIOLATION, static should be applied*/

int32_t main(void)

however I take a different meaning from the additional description given. I feel it is more related to the mixing use of extern and static.

extern int32_t var1;
static int32_t var1=0; /*Violation??*/

I would like to know which violation represents the meaning of this rule.
MISRA-C meeting 23-8-2006

int32_t var=0; /*VIOLATION, static should be applied*/

int32_t main(void)

We agree - this violates 8.10 only.

extern int32_t var1;
static int32_t var1=0; /*Violation 8.11*/

This violates 8.11.