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Solutions and workarounds to things prohibited in MISRA C
We have been asked a number of questions about solutions and workarounds for various things that are prohibited in both MISRA C1 and MISRA C2 such as using malloc, calloc, etc. for dynamic memory allocation.

Neither MISRA or any member of the MISRA C Working Group will give any guidance or approval to any deviation or \"workaround\". Any advice that may be given by any individuals associated with MISRA C is entirely personal and is not to be seen as a comment from MISRA or the MISRA C Working Group. In general the advice we would give is:

Where you have decided it is not possible to comply with a rule you should raise a deviation giving your reasons and justifications for doing so. You will have to take documented responsibility for your own deviations.

Read Section 4 (of MISRA-C:2004) on using MISRA C, specifically section 4.3.2 on deviations which outlines how to use deviations.

In general deviations should be as local as possible and as specific as possible and must be subject to sign-off for each deviation (or class of deviation).

Remember YOU will have to take responsibility for your deviations.

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