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MISRA C++ forums
With the publication of MISRA C++, the discussion forums are available to ask questions. The MISRA C++ group will review these questions from time to time and if appropriate will post an official reply. Official replies concerning rule interpretations will be posted by the user "misra cpp".

Please note the following concerning the forums:
  • If you have a question about a specific rule, please post it in the appropriate subforum of "MISRA C++:2008 rules". The subforums are arranged according to the section numbers of the "Rules" chapter in MISRA C++. The rules are numbered xx-yy-zz, thus a question about a particular rule should be posted in the forum for Section 6.xx. For example if you have a question about Rule 6-6-1 it should be posted under Section 6.6 "Statements"
  • For all other questions about MISRA C++ use the "C++ general" forum
Dr David Ward
MISRA Operations Director

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