16-03-2010, 05:54 AM
Not at all sure what you would want to do. AFAIK C doesn't know aynthing like "static data members of a struct", nor a class for tha matter. And why would you want to use MISRA C on C++ code, there's MISRA C++ for that. I'd guess you can write C code to be processed by a C++ compiler, if that's what you need. Other than that, maybe you could give an example.
<r>Johan Bezem<br/>
Email: <EMAIL email="[email protected]">[email protected]</EMAIL><br/>
Tel: +49 172 5463210<br/>
Web: <URL url="http://www.bezem.de/">http://www.bezem.de/</URL></r>
Email: <EMAIL email="[email protected]">[email protected]</EMAIL><br/>
Tel: +49 172 5463210<br/>
Web: <URL url="http://www.bezem.de/">http://www.bezem.de/</URL></r>