01-05-2018, 12:56 AM
Dear misra-c and dg1980, thanks a lot for your feedback.
I miswrote "source buffer", I meant the format argument.
Further I would like to ask about "Annex J.2 items 138-166 and 186". Is the bullet point list from here: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/w.../n1256.pdf correctly enumerated in here https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/disp...d+Behavior?
Or do you guys really count bullet points to determine which item is e.g. 138?
I miswrote "source buffer", I meant the format argument.
Further I would like to ask about "Annex J.2 items 138-166 and 186". Is the bullet point list from here: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/w.../n1256.pdf correctly enumerated in here https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/disp...d+Behavior?
Or do you guys really count bullet points to determine which item is e.g. 138?