10-04-2013, 09:36 AM
[ MISRA 11.2 ] Conversions shall not be performed between a pointer to object and any type, other than an integral type, another pointer to object type or a pointer to void.
I am using cystal revs for C MISRA C 2004 compliance.
Its showing violation in following code. pl. suggest solution for this.
cal_table F32 xdata cal_table[10];
here F32 is float.
*( ( ( U8 * )&cal_table[ 0 ] ) + 0U ) = 0U;
if( ( command_str[ 2 ] == SNS_ID1 ) && ( command_str[ 3 ] == SNS_ID1 ) ) // SNS_ID1 is constant
*( ( ( U8 * )&cal_table[ i ] ) + ch ) = ASCII_Int( command_str + 10U, 3U );
ch = *( ( ( U8 * )&cal_table[ i ] ) + ch );
spi_write( ( U8 )AX5031_REG_PLLLOOP, ( U8 )AX5031_VAL_PLLLOOP ); //AX5031_REG_PLLLOOP & AX5031_VAL_PLLLOOP are constats.
[ MISRA 11.2 ] Conversions shall not be performed between a pointer to object and any type, other than an integral type, another pointer to object type or a pointer to void.
I am using cystal revs for C MISRA C 2004 compliance.
Its showing violation in following code. pl. suggest solution for this.
cal_table F32 xdata cal_table[10];
here F32 is float.
*( ( ( U8 * )&cal_table[ 0 ] ) + 0U ) = 0U;
if( ( command_str[ 2 ] == SNS_ID1 ) && ( command_str[ 3 ] == SNS_ID1 ) ) // SNS_ID1 is constant
*( ( ( U8 * )&cal_table[ i ] ) + ch ) = ASCII_Int( command_str + 10U, 3U );
ch = *( ( ( U8 * )&cal_table[ i ] ) + ch );
spi_write( ( U8 )AX5031_REG_PLLLOOP, ( U8 )AX5031_VAL_PLLLOOP ); //AX5031_REG_PLLLOOP & AX5031_VAL_PLLLOOP are constats.