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Explain deviation requirement
Hello, could someone explain the following deviation requirement: 

"This deviation permit shall only be applied if the compiler's implementation has been verified to be consistent with the code generator's configuration (implicit or explicit)."

It is mentiond in rule 10.3, 10.4 and 10.8.
How to prove that this can be fullfilled? Could you refer to autocode?

This means that the permit can only be used when it can be shown that the implicit conversion given by the compiler is the same as the implicit conversion that the code generator is expecting.

It should be easy enough to work out what the compiler is doing.

For the code generator I can see two different way:

1) Checking the configuration, if there is a way to configure the behaviour of and when/if implicit conversions are used;
2) Finding documentation for the code generator that describes the behaviour.

If neither of these are possible, then the permit cannot be used to justify a non-compliance.
Posted by and on behalf of the MISRA C Working Group

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