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Rule 3.1 - Hyperlinks in comments?
Cross-post from the MISRA C/C++ LinkedIn group

Quote:Is there any chance MISRA could alter Rule 3.1 to allow common hyperlinks in C comments such that a Deviation isn't required:

* See https://somewhere.over.the.rainbow/way/up/high.htm

I use direct references to RFCs in source files that allow clicking in Visual Studio to open up a browser at the relevant spec. MISRA sees this as evil. If https: or http: occurs before //, then there isn't much confusion about commenting...

The (perfectly sound) Rationale for the Rule is to detect missing */ comment terminators.

There is already an Exception to permit // within a */ comment... so a further Exception to permit hyperlinks of the form http://, https://, ftp:// or ftps:// (without requiring a Deviation) seems reasonable?
Andrew Banks<br/>
Chairman, MISRA C WG<br/>
<B><s></s>Posting in a personal capacity<e></e></B></r>
C90 and C99 strictly conforming compilers have well-defined behaviour for // within a /* comment. However many compilers are non strictly conforming and a variety of behaviour has been observed.

We suggest two methods for including hyperlinks within a comment.
  1. In C99, the use of // within a // comment is permitted in the Exception to this rule.
    // See  https://somewhere.over.the.rainbow/way/up/high.htm

  2. Create a deviation/permit which permits the inclusion of // within a /* comment after checks have performed on the compiler that is used to confirm that such inclusion behaves as expected.
Posted by and on behalf of the MISRA C Working Group

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