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MISRA C:2012 permits
No sooner had the MISRA C:2004 Permits been published, the question was asked “When will MISRA C:2012 Permits be published?” The wait is now over ...

MISRA C:2012 Permits provides a set of permits to aid compliance, particularly in the lower-levels (e.g. hardware access), but also to make compliance easier where automatically generated code is being created.

A related Guideline Reclassification Plan for Automatically Generated Code is being worked on, and will be released in due course.

This document presents a number of deviation permits covering commonly-encountered use cases for use with the MISRA C:2012 guidelines. It should be used in conjunction with MISRA Compliance:2020, a companion document which describes the purpose of deviation permits and which sets out the principles by which the concept of MISRA Compliance is governed.

The number of deviation permits within this document is expected to grow and it is possible that existing deviation permits may be revised. The document contains a table with a record of these changes.

The current release is Edition 1, published March 2021.

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.pdf   MISRA C 2012 Permits (First Edition).pdf (Size: 269.03 KB / Downloads: 86)
Dr David Ward
MISRA Operations Director

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