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8.7 if applied to C++
Suppose one wanted to ensure one's C++ code complied with the MISRA C guidelines. Would a static data member of a struct or class be permitted to be accessed by only one function or should that static member be defined at block scope? Suppose the struct/class type were a local one? Would moving the definition of the static member out of the class and directly into block scope provide any benefit?
Not at all sure what you would want to do. AFAIK C doesn't know aynthing like "static data members of a struct", nor a class for tha matter. And why would you want to use MISRA C on C++ code, there's MISRA C++ for that. I'd guess you can write C code to be processed by a C++ compiler, if that's what you need. Other than that, maybe you could give an example.


<r>Johan Bezem<br/>
Email: <EMAIL email="[email protected]">[email protected]</EMAIL><br/>
Tel: +49 172 5463210<br/>
Web: <URL url=""></URL></r>
We would recommend that C++ code comply with the MISRA C++ Guidelines.
Posted by and on behalf of the MISRA C Working Group

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