20-04-2006, 07:40 AM
Manni Wrote:HiWhilst this sounds like a good idea the only people who could write such a document are the MISRA C team.
I want to start writing a helping document and tutorial about MISRA-C:2004 rules. The document should contain the following points.
1. Reasons for specific MISRA-C rules. (Why is it important to observe the rule)
2. Howto handle specific rules
3. Howto conceive specific rules
4. Exampels for breaches of the specific rules, and how to solve it. (with example, too)
Are there any good sources and publications, which helping to write such a tutorial?
best regards,
I know that there are explanations like this in miscra-c rules included. But I mean more comprehensive explanation.
The source documentation you would need is MISRA c:2004 , the TC (which we are still writing), the example suite (which we are still writing) , access to the MISRA C team to explain anything you have a query on and a complete understanding of all the discussions on this forum which are on going and a copy of MIStRAy-C.
The final problem is that MISRA C is protected by copy write and trade marks. To publish a commentary on MISRA C would probably require permission from MIRA.
The document you want to write would be out of date as soon as the MISRA team published a clarification on this forum or re-issued the TC. You would also need continual clarification and inupt fromthe MISRA-c team. Also it would be one persons view. The MISRA team are 8 people with over 200 years relevant experience and everything is discussed in the group.
In short the document you are trying to write can only really be produced by the MISRA C team, which in effect is what the TC is.
<t>This post is made in a personal capacity<br/>
Member of MISRA-C-WG since 2002</t>
Member of MISRA-C-WG since 2002</t>